Welcome to the
We believe that healing belongs in the hands of everyone, not just in those of medical specialists. Now, you are free to take your health and happiness back into your own hands.

innerwise is a system of practical tools that reconnect you with the innate wisdom inside you and the systems around you.
innerwise fulfills the promise of potential, empowering you to become a living, breathing phenomenon: a homo integer.
innerwise is my gift to you and it is here to help you.
Uwe Albrecht

Holistic medicine for the 21st century, without medications or equipment
innerwise places the responsibility and tools for diagnosis and healing into the hands of every human being who is ready to accept them. At the same time, it restore the art of healing to professional therapists and doctors.

Are you facing complex situations, chaotic processes and multiple influencing factors?
We are experienced in developing solutions for systemic issues affecting social structures, companies, projects, legal proceedings, teams, political situations, trouble spots and more.

Gain the courage and DARE to take back responsibility for your own life.
Our practical, easy-to-understand tools enable you to explore and answer the big philosophical questions in life, like meaning, presence, the soul, connectedness, free will, identity, creation and disintegration.

Intuitive Diagnostics
Diagnosis is about thoroughly examining the patient’s condition on all levels, so that we can understand the underlying patterns and causes and create individual, effective plans for therapy.

Intuitive Healing
The standard reference on energy medicine of the future. With this holistic method, everyone can find access to their own intuitive potential and heal themselves or others.

Yes No
This clear and simple book shows you how to use the arm-length test to access instant answers to absolutely anything from your subconscious.

A Course in Healing
You learn how to find irritations in your body, energy field, and mind on your own - without lab tests, ultrasound, or x-ray. You learn how to treat yourself - without medication. You deserve to be happy, healthy and successful.

Imago Book
The innerwise Diagnosticum and Therapeuticum for people, systems and situations - as book with DVD and game.

Uwe Albrecht
You have created your current life situation and you are the only human being who can change it — if you want to. innerwise helps you do just that.
Uwe Albrecht MD is a medical doctor and spiritual gangster. Born and grown up in Germany he was able to use the old german potential to discover, analyze and create up to perfection. He developed the innerwise system and wrote ten books, all bestsellers with translations in twelve languages. Over 400,000 people around the world are already applying innerwise for themselves, their families, clients, patients, systems, companies. The words on his business card are: "The creative madness had another orgasm.“

„It works! Anyone can do it, regardless of whether you believe in spirituality or not. These are basic laws of humankind and everything that surrounds us in the morphogenetic field. They can be retrieved in and through us at any time.“

„I have no idea how and why it works, but it does! I even validated it through myostatic testing. I can definitely recommend the innerwise Complete Healing System as a day-to-day aid.”

„We wanted to have a child for years. Uwe told me after the innerwise session we went for, that I will become pregnant. Two weeks after the session, we got the good news.“

„It changes my life completely within weeks. I am free now.“

Online Academy
Discover & learn from everywhere. Now you can develop your inborn talents in the comfort of your own home. These are curated ressources made available as a supplement to the live workshops. It is a great to get started on your journey and apply the tools for yourself on your own pace.

You want to learn how to use innerwise? Here you can find all information on the innerwise educational program.

The home of innerwise in already 15 countries. Your home of innerwise in your country.

Big things come in small packages
Starting in 1996, the innerwise healing cards, containing several thousand remedies and test topics, began to grow out of my work as a physician.
And once they had proven themselves as handy tools for diagnostics and therapy in everyday practice, a compact version of the Complete Healing System was released in 2005 called innerwise for everyone.
The innerwise Complete Healing System
The short path to glory
One Sunday evening in 2010, the publisher Michael Görden rang my doorbell. Someone had recommended me to him, and he wanted to meet me. If I had asked him for an appointment, I would have to have waited for months, he said.
I tried to explain innerwise and the idea of the Complete Healing Systems to him, but it didn’t seem to interest him that much.
He just looked at me and said he’d like to sign a contract with me. The product is good, but what really convinced him was my energy.
Nine months later, the Complete Healing System became a bestseller and has stayed that way ever since.
Hay House published the first English edition in 2012, and a Spanish version appeared in 2017.

Or support a local bookstore and order it there.
(ISBN: 978-1401941840 | Publisher: Hay House)
PRINTED IN THREE LANGUAGES, APPLICABLE IN TEN: Buy the innerwise Complete Healing System with 309 healing cards in English, German or Spanish, including the amulet, test cards, copy card and booklet, and you can download another language package, with a translation of the booklet, test cards and copy card here. Then you’re all set for worldwide fun!

Discover the potential of energy medicine for free
The time has come to take your healing into your own hands, whenever you want. But to achieve healing, you must recognize and eliminate the true causes of imbalances.
Our intuitive form of energy medicine views human beings in their entirety. It shows you how to locate blockages in an intuitive, playful way, while giving you the remedies you need in the form of healing energies.
Our 20 years of experience have shown us that we can almost always achieve healing with energies alone, working on all levels: organic, biochemical, rhythmic, mental, emotional, energetic and soul.